About Me
Whether to Blog or Not to Blog? Well, this was the question which was looming in my mind for long. I have been closely watching the development of Blogs on Web-World, and have been so far amused by the amount of time each person puts in through to express their views and opinions about the happenings around them, and there are some who blog just for the fun of it. I see people, who don't even write mails or even respond to the personal ones addressed to them (not mere forwards), suddenly making themselves busy by starting their blogs. Maybe this is the new trend, to express one to other (to the world, when it comes to Blogging). Certainly, the Blogging concept has caught up to me too... and I intend to scribble a few about those which passes through my life, both technical and non-technical. The title of this blog, is a long thought idea of mine, to write about a software developer's life, especially me being a software engineer myself. So, I took the liberty in redefinin...